Minggu, 16 November 2008

Hidup adalah Seperti Benang

by : Titut Mulyono

Sering aku berpikir, bagaimanakah seharusnya kita menjalani hidup ini, agar hidup kita bisa menjadi berarti. Karena kita tahu, hidup tak bisa diulang, dan hanya sebentar. Bahkan sering diibaratkan hidup kita hanya seperti sedang berteduh di bawah sebuah pohon, begitu sekejapnya. Sungguh suatu pertanyaan besar, bagaimana kita dapat mengisi hidup kita yang hanya sekejap ini, dengan hal-hal yang berguna dan berarti, baik untuk kita, maupun untuk orang-orang yang ada di sekeliling kita.

Akhir-akhir ini aku sedang belajar merajut. Sebuah kegiatan yang pernah aku lakukan ketika aku masih berusia 10tahun. Kegiatan ini sangat menyenangkan untukku, karena disamping aku bisa mendapatkan hasil karya dari tanganku sendiri, yang membuahkan kepuasan, ternyata, selama merajut, aku seperti menjalani terapi. Terutama terapi untuk menjadi tekun, sabar, tapi juga tetap memiliki ambisi (karena ingin segera melihat hasilnya, hehe..).

Sambil merajut, aku juga memiliki waktu untuk merenungi segala sesuatu yang telah aku lewati dalam kehidupan ini. Baik suka, maupun duka. Susah maupun senang, tawa maupun tangisan. Ketika merajut, aku juga seperti diputarkan kembali semua kenangan tersebut. Kenangan dari mulai aku masih kecil, hingga saat ini, semua yang telah aku lalui seperti diputar kembali dalam ingatanku...sampai akhirnya, aku menemukan sedikit filosofi dari seutas benang.

Jika dilihat secara selintas, apalah arti sebuah benang...? Sungguh tidak menarik dan tidak berguna jika ia hanya tetap menjadi seutas benang belaka.. Tapi melalui tangan-tangan terampil, kreatifitas, dan teknologi yang semakin maju, seutas benang dapat menjadi berbagai macam bentuk yang dapat berguna untuk kehidupan manusia. Sebut saja, ia dapat menjadi sebuah taplak meja, berbagai macam jenis kain, baju, alas tidur, alat kesehatan, kebersihan, dan lain sebagainya. Sungguh banyak yang dapat dibuat dari seutas benang. Yang terpenting untuk menjadikannya hal yang lebih besar dan berguna, adalah ilmu, wawasan, skill, kreatifitas dan teknologi.

Begitu juga halnya dengan hidup kita. Baru akan menjadi hal yang lebih besar dan berguna, jika kita memiliki ilmu, wawasan, skill, kreatifitas dan menguasai teknologi. Kita yang menentukan akan menjadi apa hidup kita ini, akan berguna dan berartikah hidup kita. Kita juga yang menentukan, akan kita buat seperti apa hidup kita, seperti hal nya benang, akan kita buat menjadi apa benang itu. Apakah menjadi taplak meja, baju, syal, sprei, atau apa saja..

Kita semua dilahirkan sama, yaitu sama-sama seperti benang, yaitu lurus, dan panjang. Tinggal terserah kita, mau kita rajut/tenun menjadi apa. Karena itu pembekalan diri dalam ilmu, wawasan, skill, dan pengetahuan teknologi, menjadi amat penting. Dan jangan lupa, kita juga harus membekali anak-anak kita dengan ilmu, wawasan, skill dan teknologi, agar mereka nanti dapat membuat hidup mereka menjadi "taplak yang indah", atau "bedcover yang mengagumkan", atau bahkan selembar "gaun yang sangat exotic".

Terima kasih benang, karena melaluinya, kita dapat lebih mengembangkan diri lagi, agar tidak hanya karya rajutan yang menjadi indah, tapi kita juga dapat membuat hidup kita menjadi indah.

Kamis, 06 November 2008

Apakah Kita Butuh Penghargaan ?
(Single Mom's Matters)

by : Titut Mulyono

Being Single Mom, sepertinya selalu mendatangkan atau menarik masalah. Baik dalam lingkungan kerja, keluarga, maupun sosial; baik masalah besar maupun kecil. Banyak "labeling" yang di"tempel"kan pada seorang single mom, sementara di sisi lain single mom terus ditumpuki oleh segudang "keharusan" dan kewajiban. Hal ini yang sering membuat seorang single mom menjadi extra sensitif.

Ada seorang teman saya, sebut saja bernama Tina, yang menceritakan kekesalannya pada mantan suaminya, di masa pasca perceraian. Tina yang telah hampir 3 tahun menjadi single mom, dan kedua anaknya tinggal dengannya, menceritakan kepada saya, bahwa suatu hari dikala ia tengah bekerja dan tidak ada di rumah, mantan suaminya datang ke rumahnya untuk menjenguk kedua anak mereka. Jika dilihat selintas, hal tersebut seharusnya tidak menjadi sebuah masalah. Namun, Tina merasa jengkel, karena mantan suaminya tersebut tidak memberi kabar apapun atas niatnya untuk mengunjungi anak-anak. Dan Tina baru mengetahuinya beberapa hari kemudian, dari kedua anaknya itu.

Tina merasa begitu geram pada mantan suaminya yang telah menikah lagi itu. Ia merasa dilangkahi, karena sang mantan telah memasuki rumahnya tanpa kulonuwun atau assalamu'alaikum terlebih dahulu kepada pemilik rumah yaitu dirinya. Menurut Tina, hal tersebut sangat keterlaluan. Karena bagaimanapun, mantan suaminya, sekalipun adalah ayah dari kedua anaknya, bukanlah lagi menjadi bagian dari rumah tempat dimana Tina tinggal. Sudah sepatutnya jika sang mantan ingin memasuki rumahnya, kulonuwun atau assalamu'alaikum terlebih dahulu. Tina merasa ia tidak lagi dihargai oleh mantannya itu.

Kemudian Tina mencoba menghubungi mantan suaminya itu melalui sms dan telepon. Tapi sang mantan tidak pernah menjawab sms dan teleponnya. Tina semakin geram, hingga suatu waktu ia berhasil menghubungi mantan suaminya itu melalui jalur maya, internet.

Dari pembicaraan Tina dengan mantannya, Tina menceritakan bahwa mantannya itu ternyata telah mem-blacklist nomor telepon Tina, sehingga apapun yang dikirimkan oleh Tina pada mantannya itu tidak akan pernah sampai dan tidak akan pernah dijawab. Dan ketika Tina menanyakan mengapa mantannya itu tidak memberi kabar padanya ketika akan menjenguk kedua anak mereka, Tina merasa sangat kaget dengan jawaban sang mantan yang mengatakan bahwa "tidak penting" untuk memberi kabar padanya, ataupun kulonuwun terlebih dahulu. Malah Tina dikatakan oleh mantannya sebagai wanita yang "gila hormat", sekalipun Tina sudah mengemukakan bahwa ia cukup dikabari saja melalui sms sekalipun, dan ia akan selalu mengijinkan kapanpun mantannya ingin menemui kedua anaknya, sekalipun pada waktu tengah malam atau dini hari. Dan yang lebih membuat Tina geram, adalah mantannya malah menuduhnya ingin menjauhkan dirinya dari kedua anaknya.

Tina sungguh sakit hati dengan perlakuan mantannya itu. Ia merasa mantannya itu sudah sama sekali tidak menghargai dirinya, sebagai ibu dari kedua anak mereka, yang telah membesarkan dan merawat kedua anak tersebut dengan keringat dan airmata. Dan semenjak itu, setiap kali mantannya datang ke rumah untuk mengajak kedua anak mereka jalan-jalan, Tina tidak mau lagi bertemu dengan mantannya.

Meskipun hingga saat ini, saya tidak habis mengerti mengapa hal tersebut dapat terjadi pada Tina, dan mengapa mantan suaminya itu berperilaku seperti itu, saya malah bertanya-tanya pada diri sendiri : Apakah kita perlu penghargaan atau dihargai (oleh mantan suami) ? Apalagi oleh seorang mantan yang berpola pikir seperti itu?

Lama saya berpikir dan merenung untuk mendapatkan jawaban itu. Saya juga menjadi bertanya kesana kemari untuk mendapatkan jawabannya. Pada akhirnya saya mendapatkan jawabannya, dan mengutarakannya, bahwa kita tidak perlu penghargaan atau dihargai oleh mantan suami kita, atas apapun yang telah kita lakukan kepada anak-anak kita; atau oleh siapapun. Keikhlasan dan niat baik, adalah kuncinya. Dan penghargaan dari manusia atau dihargai oleh manusia, adalah bukanlah hal yang penting. Karena baik perbuatan atau perkataan yang dilandasi oleh niat baik dan ikhlasan, akan mendapat penghargaan dan akan dihargai oleh Sang Pemilik Semesta. Mengapa kita harus pusing, terganggu dan mendapatkan penghargaan dari manusia? Bukankah DIA adalah Sang Maha Adil...??

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

The Importance of Selecting a Nanny

by Jenny Antelli

There are many factors that influence children as they are growing up. Parents, siblings, friends, teachers and television are a few of the obvious ones. A major influence in some families can also come in the form of a nanny.

A nanny is basically a substitute parent for part of a child's day. He or she will make decisions for and say things to a child that could play a large factor in their attitude and behavior when growing up. Raising a child and finding a good nanny should not ever be taken lightly. With so many negative influences in the world today, it is critically important that the person chosen to nanny a child will be a positive influence in his or her day.

There are a few different options that are available when selecting a nanny. Some people may choose to find one on their own, while others may use an agency. If the decision is made to find a nanny without an agency, a lot more work will be required in order to insure a quality person, as background checks and research will need to be performed.

When using an agency, the agency will provide a list of potential nannies for you to choose from. The next step is to set up interviews with the individuals who may fit the situation. Interviewing a potential nanny is an important part of the process as it is one of the best ways to learn about the personality of the person. A child care provider's personality will play a significant role in type of care that he or she will offer, so it is important to conduct a quality interview.

During an interview, treat the interviewee as if they were already under your employ. Ideally, there should be a variety of potential nannies provided by the agency that meet your requirements. The specific questions that should be asked are dependent on the qualifications that are being sought in a nanny, but there are a few general guidelines to follow.

It is important to verify all the information provided on his or her application/resume, especially asking about prior nanny positions. These past positions are great opportunities to learn about how specific situations have been handled in the past. Ask about worst situations they have encountered and what the outcomes were, and why they left the previous position. Be prepared to test interviewees with "what if" scenarios as well, such as fire emergencies or injuries. Another important type of question to ask has to deal with your specific requirements. If the child in question needs help with English homework, for example, the nanny that is hired would hopefully be able to help with that.

Overall, ask open-ended questions that relate to your specific needs and the needs of your child. Generally, yes or no questions will not get the information you desire. Be observant of a candidate's tone and body language as well. Do not hide aspects of the job that you need this person for, but be open and honest about the position. Discuss salary, hours, responsibilities, duties, how time off is arranged, and anything else that may cause confusion or problems later on.

A face-to-face meeting is one of the best ways to determine the quality of the employee you will be hiring, so take this selection process seriously. This interview is to help you find someone that will be watching, taking care of, teaching and influencing your child. It is important to find someone who is worthy of the job.

About the Author

A Minnesota nanny can provide you with experienced child day care in Rochester MN.

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008

Female Libido - How to Increase Libido Naturally

by Kelly Price

Female libido problems are common - but don't despair, here we will show you some natural herbs which if combined, will increase your libido and overall wellness at the same time...

There are numerous causes of female libido problems and here are some of the most common ones.

It's been proved that estrogen plays a key role in women's sexuality.

Low estrogen levels are associated with lack of desire, arousal, and issues that may cause sex to be painful.

Lack of testosterone is a major cause and while seen as the male sex hormone women need it to.

Another common cause is - poor blood circulation and sex drive relies on pumping blood to the genitals in creased volume, hence your heart beats faster as soon as you become aroused. While you need blood pumped to the sex organs the blood also has to be let in and here nitric oxide plays a key role allowing the blood vessels to relax enough to allow an increased flow of blood to enter.

Mood also plays a key role in female sexuality. Mental stress, Fatigue and anxiety can all affect libido. It's therefore important that the mind is properly nourished, receives sufficient oxygenated blood, and has correct hormonal balance.

Herbs for increased Libido

The herbs below will all come together, to tackle all of the above problems and not only will they lift libido - they will also lift mind, spirit and give a better sense of overall wellbeing.

Today, can be found in the best female herbal sex pills, let's look at them and how they increase female libido naturally.

Satavri Extract

This herb strengthens and increases muscle tone and increases overall body strength. It also helps to moisten dry tissue, of the female sexual organs and increases levels of testosterone.

Damiana Extract (Turnera Aphrodisiaca)

This herb helps to relax the whole body and is known to relieve anxiety, depression, and headaches, fatigue and balance female hormone levels and control hot flushes.

Avena Sativa

Avena Sativa helps the body relax and is known to, enhance sensitivity in the vagina.

Ginseng Eleuthero

Ginseng helps to promote overall wellbeing, vitality, performance and libido. It stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which secretes the adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH), this then binds to the brain cells and the result is - enhanced mood and more energy.


Schisandra treats a variety of menopausal symptoms. The herb increases blood flow to the female pelvic region and extracts of Schisandra act as a phytoestrogen which is crucial for female libido.

Choraka (Dong Quai)

Dong Quai is seen by many as the "ultimate herb" for women and with good reason. It has numerous health benefits and is used to restore balance to a woman's hormones and cycles, helps restore menstrual regularity, and aids conditions of the reproductive system. It's also an excellent herb for blood health and circulation and key source of nutrients to enhance female well being and sexual drive.

Get All the above for Greater Wellness and Libido

You can get all the above herbs and others in the best herbal sex pills for women, to combat the physical and mental problems that can cause low libido and you can do it naturally, as nature intended and enjoy better health and a better sex life to - try the natural route to higher libido and you will be glad you did.

About the Author


For more information on Herbs to Increase Woman's Sexual Desire and comprehensive info on Best Female Sex Pills

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

Make Money Fast

by Tiye Smith

The question has come into everyone's mind at one point or another."How do I make money fast?" Luckily for everyone who has ever had that question come to mind there is an answer! There are several ways to make money quickly online, now we will venture through the online category.

3 websites to make money online.

1. Associated Content.

2. Cash Crate.

3. Forum booster.

Let's begin with associated content. Associated content should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how I could make money fast. Associated Content requires you to write content, which in other words for those who aren't familiar with the online language, content means articles.

Associated Content requires that you write articles for them, they will pay you anywhere from $3 to $40 for your content.

Most of the time however the bids that they place on your content are for much less than $10. However, this is still a great way to make money online if you can type several articles per day. You may be surprised to see how easy it has become to earn a part time income through writing for Associated Content.

The next site that we will talk about is Cash Crate. Cash Crate is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possibly a hundred dollars, just for you to take a survey.

Doesn't sound too bad now does it? The reason they pay you to complete surveys is that companies are willing to shell out loads of cash for in-depth information from their consumers to find out exactly what they word on the street is about their product or services.

They even have a daily survey on the homepage that is guaranteed to make you some extra income; the guaranteed survey on the homepage pays $0.80. It may not seem like much but do the math, over a 30 day time period. That is almost $30 extra dollars just for taking surveys.

Are you still asking yourself that question, how do I make money fast? Well if writing tons of articles and taking surveys doesn't really sound like your cup of tea, there is always the alternative of Forum Booster.

Forum Booster is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. This is great for those of us that would be searching and posting on forums either way, why not get paid for it? If you can post sixty posts in 1 hour, you can make $6, which is not that bad for earning money online.

It may not be minimum wage, but you have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. You can be in your pajamas sipping coffee while working on posting on these forums. Each post should be a minimum of 12 words, which is not difficult to do at all.

Overall there are tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the tried and true and the best of the best.

About the Author

Tiye Smith is a member of a private and elite money making society that teaches you how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet.

If you want to make money online, join the society before it's too late.


Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Business Mums :

How to Successfully Juggle Being a Mum and an Entrepreneur
By Alison Basson

As mums we already have a busy life and it is a well known fact that women are great at juggling a hundred and one things at once. But when it comes to taking on a small business as well, things get a little more challenging. As any business mum already knows it can be challenging trying to juggle the children and a business smoothly but it can be done and you don't need to be 'superwomen'.

Organisation and a 'great well oiled plan' is the key if you wish to create a successful business and lifestyle.

When becoming a mum in business it is important to have a balance between your children/family and your small business, otherwise your new business will take over. A business doesn't grow over night so don't try and make it - a few extra hours a week will not achieve this.

If you want to create a successful professional small business you will need to make some decisions about when you are going to work in your business and who will look after the children at those times. So here are some great tips to help you successfully juggle both:

1. Have a routine and plan your day. Write down everything you need to do and achieve. Include personal and business goals and then put together a weekly action plan and daily task list. It will make it easier if you can dedicate set days to your business and then you can do all your business tasks on those days.

2. Separate your work and family time. Make a clear distinction between the two. Set time aside for your family and avoid working in family time. Trying to work with children in tow is not a great recipe for success and not very fair on your children.

• Set up an office environment away from the children. - This will help you to focus on work and be professional.

• When making phone calls - children will always interrupt so make your business calls when they are asleep or when someone else can watch them. It is not professional to make calls with noisy children in the background.

• Do the day-to-day running of the business. If you look after your children full time, working when the children are asleep can be a great option.

3. Have set working days. This will help you to focus on your business with no interruptions from your children. If you need some additional time to concentrate on the business then consider having your children looked after for a period of time each week by a relative or friend, Childcare or Family Day Care or a Nanny?

4. Get help from experts. If you try and do everything yourself, you will pay a high price - your health, family time and an unsuccessful business. Outsource tasks to experts; use their knowledge to help you grow your business. Recruit a PR person, a bookkeeper, an admin person etc.

5. Know what you want to achieve from your business. Having definite objectives will help you to work towards your goals. Break them down into smaller goals that you can achieve as you work towards your ultimate goals. It is much better than having everything going round in your head and being unsure whether you are actually achieving anything.

By following these few steps, your business will develop the strong foundations it needs to succeed. Remember, building a business takes time, and you must be patient and dedicated to be successful.

A great way to help you successfully juggle being a Mum and an Entrepreneur would be to connect with other business mums, just like you on our website. Get your free access by going to http://www.businesswomenunite.net where you can also discover tips and strategy that women just like you are using every day to grow profitable businesses!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison_Basson

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

The World Needs More Women Leaders
by: Stephen Oakes

Mature and industrialized nations today continue to strive for human equality, especially when it comes to women’s rights. In general, women are the voice which calms the fighting spirit of man. I believe that women who are elected to office bring new perspectives to issues and are more inclined to collaborate effectively with their counterparts. I often wonder if this is one of the reasons for the civilized manner in which modern countries enjoy. It is a sense of balance and fairness that allows people to determine their own fate.

The inclusion of women into national and global politics is pertinent to the progression of peace and prosperity in our times. In part, I am referring to regions of instability. In Iraq, I think it is very important that women have the ability to run for elected office. This could serve the country well in the difficult times still ahead. How often in history have we seen what a large group of men do when confined to the same set of genes and testosterone that only serve the escalate tensions and bring about devastaing wars.

As a gender, males have a strong sense of pride and are not afraid to fight for survival. This begins at a young age when males fight for dominance of the pack. We live by the rule that only the strongest shall survive. There is no room for trust or fairness.

Women are psychologically known to be more collaborative, nurturing, and social. There is no preferred biological makeup, yet different situations call for the strengths of one gender over the other. This is why I believe that women should be more included in global politics. They are much better suited to find common ground and come to a productive solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.

About The Author

Stephen Oakes