Jumat, 19 September 2008

It's Not Easy To Become a Single Mom

It's Not Easy to Become a Single Mom

by: Titut Mulyono

No one ever dreamed to become a single mom. But sometimes it just happen, either by a divorcing or passed away of our beloved husband. And suddenly we don't know what to do. Especially if we have some kids.
Confuses and panics will come to us frequently, because now we have to handle everything -- including to fulfill our family needs economically, by ourself, alone.

There are some tips to pull ourselves together more faster than we ever thought.
  • Find some extra income that we could do at home -- if we still have a job to do in our regular office; such as joining a Multi Level Marketing, doing an internet marketing, become a writer, or else. The point is : we can do that job at home. So, we don't have to leave our home for more, to avoid that the kids will loosing our daily attention to them.
  • Stay focus on our kids lives, school, and also our job and responsibility.
  • Doing our extra job for extra income, during the kids are taking a nap or when they are sleeping at night.
  • Spend a full whole day once a week only with our kids. It will helped us to be more attached one to each other, and also for togetherness recovery for all of the member of the family.
Let's try this tips as soon as we can, but please do it carefully because we have to concern of our kids abilities to do these tips.

Author :
Titut Mulyono, write this article to share with others who have almost similar experiences in marriage-life (23Sept08)

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Good Writer.. Good Mom.. Good Friend