Senin, 29 September 2008

Mengapa Harus Berubah...?

by : Titut Mulyono

Tahukah anda, bahwa perceraian akan merubah sebagian besar kehidupan anda? Bahkan hal-hal baik yang biasa dilakukan ketika masih bersama, baik antara kita dengan pasangan kita, keluarga besar kita, bahkan anak-anak kita, bisa jadi akan hilang seiring dengan dicabutnya surat nikah?

Hal-hal yang hilang yang akan dapat langsung kita rasakan di masa-masa awal perpisahan adalah :

  1. Komunikasi.
  2. Pengertian.
  3. Toleransi.
  4. Kerja sama/koordinasi.

1. Komunikasi.

Sebagian besar perceraian yang terjadi, akan meninggalkan luka. Berbeda dengan cerai mati, cerai hidup selalu membawa masalah berbuntut. Di samping luka yang sulit untuk sembuh, rasa jera untuk berkomunikasi lagi dengan mantan, sering menambah parah hubungan atara insan yang bercerai. Belum lagi jika salah satu dari yang bercerai telah menikah lagi. Pendamping baru, sering menjadi tembok bagi hubungan komunikasi dan silaturahmi antara pihak yang bercerai. Belum lagi sakit hati antara keluarga besar kedua belah pihak. Buruknya komunikasi ini akan membawa dampak buruk bagi buah hati kita. Mereka akan selalu dihadapkan pada situasi "tegang", "permusuhan", dan bahkan mungkin situasi "genting" atau "perang", jika sudah meyangkut pada masalah ijin atas suatu hal yang akan dilakukan oleh buah hati kita.

Disini dituntut tingkat kedewasaan yang tinggi bagi orang tua yang berpisah. Orang tua, dituntut untuk dapat mengesampingkan "perasaan" atau "gengsi" diri sendiri, demi anak-anak. Dan hal ini benar-benar dituntut dari kedua belah pihak. Jika salah satu pihak saja yang memiliki tingkat kedewasaan yang tinggi, sementara pihak lainnya tidak, maka buruknya komunikasi akan terus terjadi, dan anak-anak akan terus menjadi korbannya. Karena itu, kita sebagai orang tua, mampukah kita melakukan hal yang terbaik untuk anak-anak kita di masa pasca perceraian..? Hal itu akan kembali kepada diri kita masing-masing.

2. Pengertian.

Pengertian, sekalipun sudah tidak bersurat-nikah, tetap harus dipertahankan. Jika kita bisa memiliki pengertian untuk saudara-saudara, atau sahabat-sahabat, atau teman-teman kita; mengapa kita tidak bisa memiliki pengertian kepada mantan suami/istri kita...?? Ingat ! Pengertian ini tidak semata-mata dimiliki oleh pasangan yang telah menikah saja. Tapi juga wajib dimiliki oleh siapapun, baik yang menikah maupun tidak. Apalagi jika telah menyangkut kepada hal proses pendidikan anak terhadap nilai-nilai dan norma-norma dalam kehidupan. Tahap ini baru akan bisa dicapai jika hubungan komunikasi antara kedua belah pihak telah tercapai. Jangan berharap akan ada pengertian pada sebuah hubungan (apapun hubungan tersebut) jika tidak terdapat komunikasi yang baik.

Sekali lagi, kembali orang tua yang bercerai, dituntut untuk mengesampingkan "ego"nya demi kebahagiaan dan kenyamanan bathin buah hati mereka. Karena jika kita selalu ingat, bahwa dampak yang akan diterima oleh anak-anak kita atas apa yang mereka alami (dalam hal ini perceraian kedua orangtuanya ) baru akan terlihat beberapa tahun ke depan. Apakah mereka akan dapat tumbuh dengan jiwa dan tubuh yang sehat.....? Semua itu tergantung dari apa yang kita perlakukan kepada mereka mulai hari ini dan ke depan. Jika kita memperlakukan mereka dengan baik dan benar, insyaAllah ke depannya pun mereka akan menjadi anak-anak yang baik. Begitu pula sebaliknya. Pilihannya ada di tangan kita, bukan di tangan mereka. Karena kita yang membentuk mereka akan menjadi seperti apa.

3. Toleransi.

Kehidupan pasca perceraian, memiliki banyak liku-liku. Dimana masing-masing individu akan menjalani hidupnya secara terpisah, tidak bersatu lagi seperti dulu. Karena itu permasalahan dari masing-masing pihak akan tetap muncul, yang mana pihak lainnya tidak lagi selalu mengetahui permasalahan apa yang sedang melanda salah satu dari mereka. Oleh karena itu, dalam rangka memberikan atmosfir yang sehat dan baik bagi anak-anak, "sense of" toleransi antara kedua belah pihak yang telah berpisah, justru dituntut untuk menjadi lebih tinggi. Mengapa...? Karena kita tidak bisa lagi mengetahui secara otomatis, apa yang tengah dialami oleh mantan pasangan kita. Dan tidak mungkin lagi kita menuntut mantan pasangan kita untuk selalu bercerita mengenai perjalanan hidupnya, termasuk masalahnya. Karena itu, toleransi atau besar hati harus selalu dikedepankan, jika sudah menyangkut kepada pembentukan atmosfir yang sehat dan baik bagi anak-anak.

Lagi-lagi disini dituntut tingkat kedewasaan kedua belah pihak, bahkan mungkin ketiga atau keempat belah pihak, jika salah satu atau keduanya telah menikah lagi. Bukan hal yang mudah, memang..tapi juga bukan berarti sulit. Semua itu membutuhkan perjuangan. Tapi jangan takut....jika kita memiliki tujuan yang baik, maka Allah akan membukakan, memudahkan, dan melancarkan hal tersebut. InsyaAllah..

4. Kerjasama/koordinasi.

Masih perlukah...? Sekalipun sudah bercerai, kerjasama atau koordinasi masih sangat diperlukan,terutama jika menyangkut pada masa depan dan proses mendidik anak. Mengapa...? Karena sekalipun terjadi perceraian, bagi anak-anak, tidak ada kata "bekas" ayah ataupun "bekas" ibu. Anak-anak, pada suatu hari, mungkin akan dapat mengerti mengapa kedua orang tuanya bercerai. Kedewasaan mereka yang mengantarkan mereka pada sebuah pengertian dan pemahaman mengenai perceraian kedua orang tuanya. Tapi jangan lupa, yang membentuk kedewasaan dan kemampuan berpikir mereka, adalah kita juga, orang tuanya. Karena itu, sekalipun telah bercerai, kerjasama dan koordinasi diantara kedua orang tua, tetap dibutuhkan.

Contoh kecil saja, misalnya, jika anak-anak tinggal dengan ibunya, maka akan ada waktu-waktu rutin dimana sang ayah akan bertemu atau mengunjungi anak-anaknya. Waktu kunjungan ini sekalipun rutin, tetap harus dikoordinasikan. Karena bisa saja, ketika waktu berkunjung ayah tiba, anak-anak sedang sakit, atau sedang ulangan/ujian sekolah. Hal ini selayaknya dikoordinasikan, mengingat untuk kebaikan anak-anak itu sendiri.

Melihat ulasan di atas, seperti terbuka mata dan hati kita, bahwa pasca-perceraian itu sendiri, memerlukan tingkat kedewasaan yang tinggi yang dimiliki oleh kedua belah pihak. Jika kita masih sering mengedepankan "ego" sendiri, atau "ego" pendamping baru kita, maka sesungguhnya kita belum siap untuk bercerai. Karena yang akan menjadi korban berkepanjangan adalah buah hati kita sendiri.

Sanggupkah kita melihat buah hati kita selalu menjadi korban, atau bahkan rusak jiwanya oleh perbuatan kita sendiri...? Mari kita renungkan bersama dengan hati yang rendah serendah-rendahnya. Mari kita persiapkan perubahan masa pasca-perceraian ini, bukan hanya untuk diri kita, tapi juga untuk anak-anak kita.

Sabtu, 27 September 2008

Personal Loans: Fulfilling The Entire Personal Needs Of Yours
by: Simon Tauffel

You can’t come over your numerous desires. The accomplishment of one desire gives rise to another. Thus, normally your budget fails to accomplish all your needs at a time. Since, some of your needs entails you to finish it at any cost, you start seeking an external help. In that time, you need such an external help that can stand against any of your personal expense. Taking the account of such financial problems with the borrowers, you are now helped with the personal loans.

Personal loans are that loans, which can help you, get appropriate financial help for any of your personal expenses. The common expenses for that you usually go for these loans are buying a car, wedding cost, luxury holidays, college fees, outstanding bills, and debt consolidation.

The interest rate with these loans is not fixed and may vary according to your personal circumstances and repaying capability. It is your profile which decides the rate; however, ultimately it can be competitive for the tough competition among the lenders.

Depending upon your profile personal loan can arrange a range of amount. When you put collateral against the loan, the amount can be up to its total value. The general range of amount here varies from £5000 to £75000 that can be repaid over a longer period of 25 years. However, when you put nothing against the loan, it is your income and repaying capability that decides the amount. The amount available here generally ranges from £1000 to £25000 and is liable to be repaid over a flexible period of 10 years.

Bad credit is not a great issue here; as you can avail personal loans even have bad credit. So, you no need to hesitate while applying for this loan, even with your CCJs, arrears, defaults, IVAs, etc.

Market is flooded with the options to avail personal loans. You opt for either of the offline lenders or online lenders to avail this loan. The online lenders are considered to be more convenient for their hassle free service. You can contact these lenders any time from any where to save your precious time.

Life is full of pleasures that are much concerned with resource you have for your needs. Personal loans help you achieving these pleasures even when your means are found to insufficient on these requirements. These loans help you get the finance regardless of requiring any particular circumstance that wipes the worry of many of you.

About The Author

Simon Tauffel has been associated with Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans. Having completed her Masters in Finance from Cranfield School of Management. To find more about Personal Loans, Unsecured Loans, Unsecured Personal Loans, Bad Credit Unsecured Loans visit

Jumat, 26 September 2008

Moving Beyond Your Divorce
by: Shelley Stile

There is no single more powerful stumbling block to moving beyond our divorce into a new life than the inability to accept our new reality. Acceptance is the hardest part of the divorce recovery process. Acceptance requires total honesty, courage and the willingness to let go of the life that we had...a life that no longer exists. Without that acceptance, we cannot move forward and create a new life.

How does one learn acceptance? Although it takes time and a good deal of inner work, it can be done. Here is a step-by-step guide to move you towards acceptance:

1) It’s about you, not them.

One of the most powerful lessons in life is the knowledge that we have control over one person and one person only…ourselves. If you are looking outside of yourself to move forward, you won’t. We can’t change anyone but ourselves. We have power over no one except ourselves. It is when we turn inward and do the work on ourselves that we will be able to effect dramatic and positive changes in our lives.

Being a victim means giving away all control and power. If I blame someone else for my situation, then I am powerless to do anything about it as I have chosen to absolve myself of any responsibility.

We can create changes that will make out lives better but not until we stop trying to change our ex or our current reality and we realize that it’s about us, not them.

2) Get support.

If you think you can do this all by yourself you may be in for a big surprise. Research consistently shows that getting support in any challenging endeavor leads to more success. Whether you choose a divorce support group, a therapist, a member of the clergy or a Life Coach, just do it.

If you are one of the those people who think that you have to handle life’s challenges on your own because somehow you equate support with weakness, get over it! Getting support is a sign of intelligence as far as I’m concerned as well as an indication that you really are serious about moving onward in life.

3) First, you must get through the initial stages of loss that includes denial, grief, anger, depression and whatever else you might be feeling early in the divorce process.

These emotions are all natural and necessary states that we need to experience. They are the norm versus the exception. Each one of these feelings needs to be embraced and experienced fully. There must be an ending before a new beginning.

There is a difference between fully experiencing an emotional stage and getting stuck in it. Beware excessive self-pity and real depression. Here is where support becomes important to your well-being and improvement.

4) Distinguish between facts and interpretations.

I cannot stress the importance of this step enough. People get stuck when they cannot face the facts and prefer to believe that their personal interpretations are reality.

You might be familiar with the exercise of the picture that has a hidden image within it. Ten people may come up with ten different interpretations of the picture. Some people will see the hidden image immediately and others will never see it until it is pointed out to them. Either way, the hidden picture exists. It is a fact.

You may feel that you have been mentally abused and yet your partner may feel that you are the one that is abusive. He said, she said. Probably a counselor will see a totally different picture altogether. You know, there’s your side, his side and then the truth.

Once you are truthful with yourself and can see the facts versus the drama or story of your divorce, you will be on your way to acceptance.

5) Be brutally honest and take responsibility for your marriage, divorce and life.

Those of us who can be totally honest with ourselves will receive the gift of a deep awareness of who and what we are along with the ability to accept our lives as they are without looking to blame someone else. Being honest allows us to see things that hadn’t existed for us before. The truth will indeed set you free. By setting aside our egos, we can look at our life for what it actually is versus a story about our divorce.

Once we have been honest and have embraced all the facts about our divorce, we are free to accept full responsibility for our lives. Responsibility is power and the freedom to choose what we want next in life. If we cannot take responsibility, we remain victims and victims absolve themselves of both their responsibility and therefore the power to control their own lives.

6) Learn the difference between what is and what you think should be.

If we are living in a netherland of what we think should be, we are completely cut off from reality or ‘what is’. If you think that you should not have to be experiencing divorce, then you cannot accept what is…that you are indeed getting divorced. You live in a world of your own.

We all create a list of should be’s that keep us stuck in the status quo: I should be happier, I should be getting more support, I shouldn’t have to work, and I should still be married. By concentrating on what we should be, we ignore what actually exists for us and remain stuck.

I think we should live in a world where peace is the predominant ethic but we don’t live in that world. That’s a dream I have. By acknowledging the world as it truly exists, I can make choices as to how I will live my life and also how to address the problems that do exist.

7) Consider the emotional wounds that you brought to the marriage.

Your ex may complain that you were not a warm person. I doubt that it was your marriage that created a cold person, if indeed that is what you are. We bring ourselves into our marriages and the parts of us that show up and create issues are the parts of us that we haven’t addressed yet. They are emotional wounds from somewhere in our past and they have a tendency to pop-up in our close relationships or when we are faced with challenging times.

Now is your chance to address those wounds and heal them so that you do not repeat your so-called mistakes again. Use your divorce as a catalyst to go inside and heal yourself.

8) Release toxic emotions.

Get rid of the debilitating toxic emotions that you are carrying around. Picture them as heavy baggage that keeps you stuck in your misery and produces a broken back. Anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment, rage…these are all toxic emotions that will harm you far more than your ex. You are the one who pays the price. You need to work through them and then release them because they will weigh you down for the rest of your life if you allow it.

Once you have done the work of truth versus interpretations and what is versus what should be, you will find it much easier to give up your anger and resentment. They do not serve you and you are learning to give away anything that does not serve you well.

9) Learn forgiveness for yourself and your mate.

You might not be able to practice forgiveness in the early stages of the journey to recovery but if you go through these other steps, you will be able to forigive your ex and more importantly, yourself. Forgiveness takes a big load off your shoulders. It releases energy that can be used for positive things.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean you condone bad behavior, it simply means you forgive. If we separate the person from the behavior it becomes easier to forgive. You know that just because you sometimes say mean things it does not mean you are a bad person. Just a lapse in judgment. We are not necessarily our behavior. We know all the subconscious motivations that exist within every individual. If we look at the inner child within a person, forgiveness is a given.

10) Make conscious decisions; utilize free choice.

When you do the inner work of divorce recovery, you tend to attend to many things that have been left unresolved for years. You become more conscious of your actions and your choices. You become aware of the subconscious and how it can run your life. When you learn to observe the constant mind chatter that goes on inside your heads, you learn that the mind chatter is not us, its just chatter.

Making conscious decisions based in free choice means that we are not letting our mind chatter, our past, our emotional wounds or our interpretations of reality run the show. We take control of our lives. Conscious living allows for incredible freedom and the ability to create extraordinary changes.

And your bonus tip:

11) Find the gifts of your divorce.

Everything that occurs in our lives and everything that we are (warts and all) has a hidden gift. If you speak to someone who has survived divorce and has gone on to create a and vibrant life based upon their own passions and values, they will certainly tell you that their divorce was the best thing that happened to them. That may not be true for you but there is a gift waiting for you to find. My ex likes to say that he is responsible for my new career and to a certain extent he has played a part. Oftentimes it takes a good whack on the head to awaken us to life’s possibilities and our own happiness.

It’s the old adage: Every cloud has a silver lining. It is true. Search for the gifts of your divorce and it becomes yet another step toward a successful recovery from the trauma of divorce.

Successful divorce recovery takes inner work. Much like a flower, the work that has takes place underneath the surface of the ground, invisible to the human eye, is the crucial aspect. Without that subterranean work, there would be no flower. The reward of the flower is dependent upon the inner work of the seed and the root system. It is the same with humans. Do the inner work and you see the outer rewards.

About The Author

Shelley Stile is a professionally trained (Coaches Training Institute) who coaches clients on a one-on-one basis guiding them towards the goals they desire to achieve in order to live their best life possible. She specializes in working with women and divorce recovery. Shelley also teaches the “Creating Change in Your Life” workshop at the Adult Schools of Montclair and The Chathams in New Jersey as well as volunteering at the Center for Women in Livingston, New Jersey. She is a member of the International Speaker’s Forum and served as a Coach for Harv Ekar’s Life Directions seminar series. Shelley trained with the Coaches training Institute and is presently undergoing certification for Divorce Coaching with the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching.

You can learn more about Life Coaching with Shelley at and or contact Shelley at

Selasa, 23 September 2008

Buku HOT (wajib baca) :
"He's Just Not That Into You"

Authors by : Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo (Konsultan serial TV Sex and The City)

Buku yang ditulis oleh Greg Behrendt ini banyak memberikan info kepada para wanita, yang sedang mencari pasangan, baik untuk menikah, maupun hanya sebagai pacar; mengenai bagaimana sebenarnya yang ada dalam pikiran kaum pria, ketika mereka sedang memulai dan menjalani sebuah hubungan.
Pria, yang sering dirasa rumit oleh wanita, pada dasarnya adalah sama sekali tidak rumit, tetapi mereka pada umumnya terlalu takut untuk mengatakan kepada wanita bahwa "kamu bukan jodohku" secara langsung. Namun, jika wanita mengetahui sedikit saja mengenai bahasa tindakan mereka, sebenarnya tindakan atau perilaku mereka menunjukkan perasaan mereka yang sebenarnya terhadap wanita.
Greg, memberikan beberapa panduan kepada kaum wanita mengenai bahasa tindakan atau gerak gerik pria ketika sedang melakukan pendekatan, ataupun ditengah-tengah hubungan, yang bisa menjadi salah satu pegangan bagi kaum wanita, untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang sering muncul dalam benak wanita terhadap para pria, yaitu : "Apakah ia sungguh-sungguh mencintai saya...?"
Ada 10 poin panduan dari Greg, untuk dapat menjadi alat ukur bagi kaum wanita untuk mengetahui apakah para pria itu sungguh-sungguh mencintai mereka. Menurut Greg, seorang pria tidak benar-benar tertarik pada anda (wanita) jika :
  1. Ia tidak menelpon anda.
  2. Ia tidak mengajak kencan anda.
  3. Ia tidak (ma'af..) berhubungan sex dengan anda.
  4. Ia (ma'af..) berhubungan sex dengan orang lain selagi ia membina hubungan dengan anda.
  5. Ia hanya mau melihat anda ketika ia sedang mabuk.
  6. Ia tidak mau menikahi anda.
  7. Ia memutuskan hubungan dengan anda.
  8. Ia menghilang.
  9. Ia sudah menikah.
  10. Ia seorang brengsek, pengganggu, atau benar-benar orang aneh.
Buku ini disajikan dengan bahasa yang kocak, popular, sedikit vulgar (mengingat latar belakang budaya barat yang sudah sangat terbuka untuk membicarakan sex), dan ringan. Sehingga, mampu membuka mata dan mengetuk hati kita yang kadang buta oleh cinta dan bujuk rayu yang dilancarkan oleh para pria.
Dengan membaca buku ini, kita, para wanita, yang menurut Greg adalah sebagai mahluk yang patut mendapatkan pria baik-baik, karena kita cantik, pintar, baik dan berwawasan luas; harus dapat membaca peta perilaku pria yang sering menjadi salah tangkap oleh kebutaan hati kita yang tengah dipenuhi oleh bujuk rayu pria.

Buku ini sangat saya rekomendasikan (karena saya sudah membacanya) bagi para wanita lajang, yang ingin membina hubungan dengan pria, khususnya hubungan yang serius, untuk ke jenjang pernikahan. Disamping itu, buku ini juga telah mendapat penghargaan berupa Best Seller Fenomenal #1 di Amerika. Jadi, jangan ragu lagi, dapatkan bukunya sekarang juga. Edisi dalam bahasa Inggris, dapat anda peroleh melalui blog saya (yang tercantum pada side bar blog ini), atau dalam bahasa Indonesia di toko-toko buku terkemuka.

Resensi dibuat oleh : Titut Mulyono 23Sept08

Sabtu, 20 September 2008

Why Women Are the Business Leaders to Be Reckoned With Today and Tomorrow

By Leanne Hoagland-Smith

No, this isn’t a women’s lib article, but rather one that looks at some of the indisputable facts that have emerged during the last 10 years.

  • Profits under women owned firms grew at a faster rate than all other firms
  • Women in business have a greater staying rate than other businesses
  • Women as business owners are creating job at twice the rate of all other firms
  • Women control or owned 40% of all privately held U.S. Firms
  • Women’s businesses outpaced the growth of other business by twice the rate
  • Of the 26 million privately held businesses, 10.4 are owned or controlled by women
  • Each day in American another 420 women owned businesses emerge
  • With 6% of all privately held firms exceeding $1 million in sales, 4% of women’s firms exceed $1 million in sales
  • Women business owners with over 100 employees are also experiencing a growth rate twice the rate of all companies
  • Women owned firms total payroll exceeds the total payroll of all Fortune 500 companies

To be able to achieve these type of statistics suggest that women are now leading the pack of economic growth right now and more importantly tomorrow.

Why this impressive growth?

Simply speaking, women build more authentic relationships than men do. They are more willing to leave their ego at the door and ask for help. Their tenacity to achieve catapults them forward.

Also, women understand that relationships are built on values. These women leaders truly value hard work ethics and trust in both their internal and external employees. As we move forward into the 21st century, we shall see more women as leaders and they will become even a greater reckoning force.

Simply speaking, leaders are readers. If you enjoyed this article, you may find my first combination ebook and eworkbook of interest at - Simply Speaking, Increase Your Sales.

Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. is a speaker and national business coach who has written hundreds of articles with a focus on improving human capital for sustainable transformational change. By developing results driven leadership in people, teams and organizations, her clients have quickly doubled to multiplied their results. Call Leanne at 219.759.5601 if you wish to join her other happy clients.

Article Source:

Recovering Emotionally From Divorce

By Joseph Devine

Divorce is many different things to many different people. After everything is said and done, and the smoke from the battlefield clears, how will you recover? Many people feel as though they cannot go on after marriage has been destroyed. The amount of emotional, financial, and physical investment leads to devastating losses.

The issue with recovery is that it varies with respect to each individual as well as the specific circumstances of the divorce. Being able to move on is dependent upon how amiable the divorce process was.

For some couples, emotions fly about with such ferocity and passionate fervor that the recovery process is very rocky. Some individuals are so emotionally invested that they feel as if the spouse has somehow died after the divorce has taken place.

Others feel so hurt from the breakup that they are simply angry; angry at the situation, angry at the spouse, and angry that they have to go on without the person they thought was the love of their life. Whatever feelings you might be having, if you are going through a divorce or have recently divorced, those feeling are in every way normal.

The important to understand about these situations is not so much that you are feeling those feelings, but understanding how you would normally react to them versus how you choose to react to them. Once the grieving has taken place, and you are, perhaps ready to move one, it is very important to take some time to reflect on the past relationship.

While reflecting on that relationship, you must be honest with yourself in your assessment of what happened. It takes two people to get married and the same two people to get divorced (save the extenuating circumstances).

Consider the areas of the relationship where you think you were wrong. Identify both your strengths and your weaknesses and use them to your advantage. Really work on your weaknesses and try to see if you can change. This will only make you a better person.

Once you have done these exercises, and you have forgiven your ex-partner for his or her wrongs, it may be appropriate to start looking for another mate, armed with the new lessons you have learned from the last one.

The chances of leading a successful relationship in the future, with these new lessons, are even greater than when you didn't know them before. If you would like more information regarding divorce, visit

Joseph Devine

Article Source:

Jumat, 19 September 2008

How Professional Women can more efficiently market their Home Business

by Lavonte Stanley, MBA

September 2008

I'm often asked about this question of motivation. How do professional women market their home business effectively? What drives a professional woman to constantly push herself to do the necessary work involved in marketing one's online home business? As I've stated time and time again, it is consistent marketing that really determines the success of an online business. I've seen many professional women come and go because they didn't have the patience to set aside 2 hours of conscious internet marketing effort a day to work on their home business. It is a good idea to start your workday the night before by writing down 3 activities that you plan to complete for the next day in order to bring you closer to your project goals. An additional hour should be spent pursuing some form of personal development. This is what brings results for my Wealth Genre teams, and the same applies for any professional women home business owners.

One thing I do about five days a week is work out at the gym. This way I can maintain my sexy, let my 2 year old burn up some energy in gym daycare, and work out while I listen to pre-recorded conference calls and trainings which keep me up to speed with what is going on in my industry and what I should look out for regarding my home business. The result is flat abs and up-to-date business knowledge. Because the internet is constantly changing, it is super important for any online business to take the time to do the research about how best to approach the online world.

Professional women, and all business people alike, need to remember to be task-oriented in their home business. It is easy to spend hours in your home business office and never get anything done. You may find yourself checking your email multiple times a day, for example, and never seem to get a task completed. If your task is to master Google, for example, so that you can maximize the number of hits you get on your website, make sure you give yourself a step by step task list and make yourself check each item off as you complete them.

I would also advise that it would be important to learn how to do effective internet marketing. Don't just follow the lead of a coach you might have. Certainly take from him or her what works for you, but I challenge you to venture deeper. Some professional women don't seek additional training because they are afraid that there is a huge cost involved in learning what the marketing pros know. This is not true, however. There are many organizations which can help you to learn cutting edge techniques in internet marketing. My company offers regular trainings and more up-to-date relevant information about the home business industry than any other company I know. Members can listen to new information about the industry on an IPOD while taking the dog for a walk, or learn about a new internet marketing method for home business owners while shopping for Manolo shoes. Other home businesses offer the same.

I stay on top of my game by organizing my time well and pampering myself in ways which I enjoy. When I get overwhelmed and need a break, I take one. Sometimes I take a bubble bath to relax me or break out a bottle of wine while I paint my toenails. After I get a little breather, I get back to work. Regardless of what stage you are in with your own home business, you can always benefit from proper internet marketing. It sometimes sets the difference between professional women who succeed and those who don't.

About the Author

Lavonte Stanley, MBA, is an internet marketer, author and CEO of The Wealth Genre Group ( The Wealth Genre Group is a business dedicated to helping professional women reach their personal goals in setting up and marketing their home business.

It's Not Easy To Become a Single Mom

It's Not Easy to Become a Single Mom

by: Titut Mulyono

No one ever dreamed to become a single mom. But sometimes it just happen, either by a divorcing or passed away of our beloved husband. And suddenly we don't know what to do. Especially if we have some kids.
Confuses and panics will come to us frequently, because now we have to handle everything -- including to fulfill our family needs economically, by ourself, alone.

There are some tips to pull ourselves together more faster than we ever thought.
  • Find some extra income that we could do at home -- if we still have a job to do in our regular office; such as joining a Multi Level Marketing, doing an internet marketing, become a writer, or else. The point is : we can do that job at home. So, we don't have to leave our home for more, to avoid that the kids will loosing our daily attention to them.
  • Stay focus on our kids lives, school, and also our job and responsibility.
  • Doing our extra job for extra income, during the kids are taking a nap or when they are sleeping at night.
  • Spend a full whole day once a week only with our kids. It will helped us to be more attached one to each other, and also for togetherness recovery for all of the member of the family.
Let's try this tips as soon as we can, but please do it carefully because we have to concern of our kids abilities to do these tips.

Author :
Titut Mulyono, write this article to share with others who have almost similar experiences in marriage-life (23Sept08)